Mon 08 Jul 2024 18:51

Information for umpires progressing through the officiating pathway.

I've completed my course, what now?

Once you've completed your course you'll need to get started with gain your practical experience of umpiring.

This could be at local club training / fixtures, for school netball training / fixtures or local league competition.
It's important to keep a log of the umpiring you're doing too, as you'll need to submit this with your practical assessment application.

You can download a copy of the Officiating Logbook here:
If you are working towards your C award assessment we would also encourage you to contact your local club, league or school so that you can work with a qualified umpire to support your development.

Unfortunately at this time the Sussex Officiating group is unable to support with county delivered mentoring, but if you require help in identifying a club or league to approach for support with mentoring please contact and we can signpost you to your nearest club or league secretary.

Umpiring Log Book

I'm ready for my Into Officiating assessment, what do I need to do?

That's great news!

If you are ready you will need to ensure you have the endorsement of a qualified umpire who agrees that you are ready.

To apply for your assessment you will need
- to complete an Into Officiating practical assessment application form.
- to ensure you have your into officiating course dates to include in your application.
- to ensure you include the details of the qualified umpire, mentor, or assessor who has endorsed you.
- to ensure you have a completed log book.
- to transfer your assessment fee to Sussex Netball before submitting your application.

Please email the following to
- your completed application.
- your officiating log book.
- a screenshot / receipt of your assessment fee payment (this will help to speed up our checks).

Into Officiating Practical Assessment Application Form

I'm ready for my C award assessment, what do I need to do?

Before you can apply for your C award practical assessment you need to have completed your C award written assessment.
If you haven't completed your written assessment you can apply to do this by emailing

Netball Europe have now removed the requirement for a pre-assessment so you will need to ensure you have the endorsement of a qualified umpire who agrees that you are ready. They must be qualified at a minimum level of C and have observed your umpiring recently in order to endorse your application.

If you've passed your written assessment and a qualified umpire you've been working with agrees that you are ready then you can apply for your assessment.

To apply for your assessment you will need
- to complete a C award practical assessment application form. (please contact if you do not have a form)
- to ensure you have your C award course dates, and the date you passed your written paper to include in your application.
- to ensure you include the details of the qualified umpire, mentor, or assessor who has endorsed you.
- to ensure you have a completed log book.
- to transfer your assessment fee to Sussex Netball before submitting your application.

Please email the following to
- your completed application.
- your officiating log book.
- a screenshot / receipt of your assessment fee payment (this will help to speed up our checks).

C Award Practical Assessment Application Form

Assessment Fees

Learner Assessment Fees.

England Netball have recently communicated an increase to the Learner Assessment Fees for officiating awards. Assessment fees, applicable from April 1st 2024 are included below:

AssessmentFeePayable to
Into Officiating Award Practical Assessment £33 County**
C Award Written Assessment* £10 Europe Netball
C Award Practical Assessment £70 County**
B Award Written Assessment £50 England Netball
B Award Practical Assessment £80 Region
A Award Written Assessment £50 England Netball
A Award Practical Assessment £150 England Netball
*For Learners that have completed virtual courses the first sitting of your C award written assessment, which gives you two attempts to pass, is included in your course fee . However, if you do not pass successfully and require an additional sitting of the paper you will be required to pay Europe Netball £10. See England Netball Website for further details and to book your written assessment.

**Fee payable to Sussex County. This is then claimed, in full, from the county by England Netball.

How do the assessments work?

After we have received your application form we will then complete our pre assessment checks, which include:

  • a valid, active, membership linked to your EN number.
  • your course attendance date(s)
  • written assessment result (for C award assessments only)
  • payment receipt

Once all checks have been completed we'll coordinate an assessment date with you and our assessors.

Sussex County is currently in the process of training additional officiating assessors. If you would prefer not to have a trainee assessor present at your assessment please do let us know when submitting your assessment application.

How do the assessments work?

Into Officiating Assessment
15 minute (minimum) observation on a training match, friendly fixture or competitive game.
Written and verbal feedback with assessor.

C Award Assessment
30 minute (minimum) observation on a competitive fixture, usually local adult league - however this may be adjusted to an appropriate age range if a young umpire is being assessed.
Written and verbal feedback with assessor
